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I'm trying to simulate CS Amplifier with current mirror as SEDRA Book described.

It has such DC parameters (kp,vto,lambda...)

I selected monolithic MOSFET NMOS4, PMOS4, and I downloaded MOSFET models at this websites (http://cmosedu.com/cmos1/book.htm)and included that Models.

And we can see the frequency response like a upper photo.

But, when I have added .model on text and typed DC parameters, It didn't seem to be applied.

I doubted It is because MOSFET model I have downloaded already have that parameters.

And I read that file and didn't find those parameters(kp,kn,Vto,lamba....)

How can I apply it?

I add the model parameters.

* Short channel models from CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation,

* 50nm BSIM4 models VDD=1V, see CMOSedu.com


.model  N_50n  nmos  level = 54

+binunit = 1            paramchk= 1            mobmod  = 0          

+capmod  = 2            igcmod  = 1            igbmod  = 1            geomod  = 0          

+diomod  = 1            rdsmod  = 0            rbodymod= 1            rgatemod= 1          

+permod  = 1            acnqsmod= 0            trnqsmod= 0          

+tnom    = 27           toxe    = 1.4e-009     toxp    = 7e-010       toxm    = 1.4e-009   

+epsrox  = 3.9          wint    = 5e-009       lint    = 1.2e-008   

+ll      = 0            wl      = 0            lln     = 1            wln     = 1          

+lw      = 0            ww      = 0            lwn     = 1            wwn     = 1          

+lwl     = 0            wwl     = 0            xpart   = 0            toxref  = 1.4e-009   

+vth0    = 0.22         k1      = 0.35         k2      = 0.05         k3      = 0          

+k3b     = 0            w0      = 2.5e-006     dvt0    = 2.8          dvt1    = 0.52       

+dvt2    = -0.032       dvt0w   = 0            dvt1w   = 0            dvt2w   = 0          

+dsub    = 2            minv    = 0.05         voffl   = 0            dvtp0   = 1e-007     

+dvtp1   = 0.05         lpe0    = 5.75e-008    lpeb    = 2.3e-010     xj      = 2e-008     

+ngate   = 5e+020       ndep    = 2.8e+018     nsd     = 1e+020       phin    = 0          

+cdsc    = 0.0002       cdscb   = 0            cdscd   = 0            cit     = 0          

+voff    = -0.15        nfactor = 1.2          eta0    = 0.15         etab    = 0          

+vfb     = -0.55        u0      = 0.032        ua      = 1.6e-010     ub      = 1.1e-017   

+uc      = -3e-011      vsat    = 1.1e+005     a0      = 2            ags     = 1e-020     

+a1      = 0            a2      = 1            b0      = -1e-020      b1      = 0          

+keta    = 0.04         dwg     = 0            dwb     = 0            pclm    = 0.18       

+pdiblc1 = 0.028        pdiblc2 = 0.022        pdiblcb = -0.005       drout   = 0.45       

+pvag    = 1e-020       delta   = 0.01         pscbe1  = 8.14e+008    pscbe2  = 1e-007     

+fprout  = 0.2          pdits   = 0.2          pditsd  = 0.23         pditsl  = 2.3e+006   

+rsh     = 3            rdsw    = 150          rsw     = 150          rdw     = 150        

+rdswmin = 0            rdwmin  = 0            rswmin  = 0            prwg    = 0          

+prwb    = 6.8e-011     wr      = 1            alpha0  = 0.074        alpha1  = 0.005      

+beta0   = 30           agidl   = 0.0002       bgidl   = 2.1e+009     cgidl   = 0.0002     

+egidl   = 0.8          

+aigbacc = 0.012        bigbacc = 0.0028       cigbacc = 0.002

+nigbacc = 1            aigbinv = 0.014        bigbinv = 0.004        cigbinv = 0.004

+eigbinv = 1.1          nigbinv = 3            aigc    = 0.017        bigc    = 0.0028

+cigc    = 0.002        aigsd   = 0.017        bigsd   = 0.0028       cigsd   = 0.002

+nigc    = 1            poxedge = 1            pigcd   = 1            ntox    = 1

+xrcrg1  = 12           xrcrg2  = 5          

+cgso    = 6.238e-010   cgdo    = 6.238e-010   cgbo    = 2.56e-011    cgdl    = 2.495e-10     

+cgsl    = 2.495e-10    ckappas = 0.02         ckappad = 0.02         acde    = 1          

+moin    = 15           noff    = 0.9          voffcv  = 0.02       

+kt1     = -0.21        kt1l    = 0.0           kt2     = -0.042        ute     = -1.5

+ua1     = 1e-009       ub1     = -3.5e-019     uc1     = 0             prt     = 0

+at      = 53000

+fnoimod = 1            tnoimod = 0          

+jss     = 0.0001       jsws    = 1e-011       jswgs   = 1e-010       njs     = 1          

+ijthsfwd= 0.01         ijthsrev= 0.001        bvs     = 10           xjbvs   = 1          

+jsd     = 0.0001       jswd    = 1e-011       jswgd   = 1e-010       njd     = 1          

+ijthdfwd= 0.01         ijthdrev= 0.001        bvd     = 10           xjbvd   = 1          

+pbs     = 1            cjs     = 0.0005       mjs     = 0.5          pbsws   = 1          

+cjsws   = 5e-010       mjsws   = 0.33         pbswgs  = 1            cjswgs  = 5e-010     

+mjswgs  = 0.33         pbd     = 1            cjd     = 0.0005       mjd     = 0.5        

+pbswd   = 1            cjswd   = 5e-010       mjswd   = 0.33         pbswgd  = 1          

+cjswgd  = 5e-010       mjswgd  = 0.33         tpb     = 0.005        tcj     = 0.001      

+tpbsw   = 0.005        tcjsw   = 0.001        tpbswg  = 0.005        tcjswg  = 0.001      

+xtis    = 3            xtid    = 3          

+dmcg    = 0e-006       dmci    = 0e-006       dmdg    = 0e-006       dmcgt   = 0e-007     

+dwj     = 0e-008       xgw     = 0e-007       xgl     = 0e-008     

+rshg    = 0.4          gbmin   = 1e-010       rbpb    = 5            rbpd    = 15         

+rbps    = 15           rbdb    = 15           rbsb    = 15           ngcon   = 1
  • \$\begingroup\$ You already have an answer. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 8:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ @aconcernedcitizen you mean it is a right way to give mosfet DC parameters by typing '.model N_50n nmos(kp=65u....)' .... But graph doesn't change regardless of that sentences. do you know what is the problem? \$\endgroup\$
    – fluencer
    Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 9:26
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ You're using two definitions for N_50n. They are fighting with each other and one is winning. The one in the text file is for LEVEL=54, and the .model SPICE directive on your schematic is for LEVEL=1. Delete the .include cmosedu_models.txt on your schematic to remove the contradiction. \$\endgroup\$
    – Ste Kulov
    Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 19:48
  • \$\begingroup\$ @SteKulov If I delete '.include_cmosedu_models.txt' , DC MOSFET Parameters are applied, but it seems other parameters are not. ac response flat curve is flat. how can I put not only DC parameters but also AC parameters? \$\endgroup\$
    – fluencer
    Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 9:35
  • \$\begingroup\$ @fluencer You need to add LEVEL1 AC parameters to your .model statement. See the LTspice help (press F1 key on keyboard) and reference the parameter table in the M. MOSFET section. Start by playing around with all the parameters in that table that begin with a C. \$\endgroup\$
    – Ste Kulov
    Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 20:24


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