I've been using bidirectional TVS diodes for protecting a 2 Mbit single-ended 5V serial bus. Unfortunately, the TVS-es I've been using have too high capacitance, and distort the shape of the bus so serial decode doesn't work. Looking at data sheets, pretty much all of the low-voltage TVS-es have about 3 nF of capacitance at 5V stand-off / 6.5V break-down, or thereabouts. A representative data sheet is here: http://www.littelfuse.com/~/media/Files/Littelfuse/Technical%20Resources/Documents/Data%20Sheets/Littelfuse_TVS%20Diode_SA.pdf
3 nF is enough to distort the output waveform when the inputs connected to that capacitance are all high impedance, and the output is not super low impedance (an AVR microcontroller with a 70 Ohm current limiting resistor.) Quick calculator check says corner freqency of that RC circuit is about 750 kHz, so it sounds plausible that this is my problem.
So, what can I use to protect this bus? Sub-questions: - Is there some particular part/series of TVS that performs substantially better? - Should I re-buffer the signal? (Unfortunately, I'm out of board space, and it'd be a pain to make more.) - Would a small-signal Zener be "good enough" or not fast enough for transient protection? - Or maybe Zeners have high capacitance, too?