I have a sectional couch with electrical recline. Each section reclines with a separate button. I would like to add a toggle switch that would allow the recline buttons to make all sections recline at the same time. Each section has a 29V DC power supply (1.8A) going to a motor and then push buttons to recline forward/backwards.
I've simplified the problem for now to 2 sections and one recline direction as I think I can generalize it from there.
I have a software background so I started by using boolean logic to understand the solution, which gave me:
Q_A = A + BT
Q_B = B + AT
A = switch on section A
B = switch on section B
T = toggle between individual recline and combined recline
Q_A = output to motor A
Q_B = output to motor B
So my first instinct was to just build that with relays:
So I have two questions:
- Is there a better way to solve this problem?
- If relays are a good approach, is there a better way than the circuit above?