I'm using an ATUC128D3 microcontroller and have 5 switches connected to it. I have the GPIO interrupt configured to trigger on a falling edge and this works just fine.
It enters the interrupt and the LED turns on, but upon completing the ISR, gets stuck in an "unrecoverable exception handler" in "exception.S". Can someone shed some light on why this is happening?
My code:
#include <avr32/io.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "interrupts.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include <intc.h>
void intHandlerPortA()
ioPinHigh(&LED_PORT, LED2_PIN); //Turn on an LED.
ioClearIntFlag(&SW_PORT, SW1_bm | SW2_bm | SW3_bm
| SW4_bm | SW5_bm); //Don't care which switch triggered it clear them all.
int main(void)
/*Debug LEDs as IO and output.*/
ioSetPinOutput(&LED_PORT, LED1_PIN | LED2_PIN | LED3_PIN);
/*Enable OSC0 and select it as the main clock*/
if (systemMainClockSelect() == true)
ioPinHigh(&LED_PORT, LED1_PIN);
/*Switches as IO inputs, enable falling interrupt for all*/
ioSetPinIO(&SW_PORT, SW1_bm | SW2_bm | SW3_bm | SW4_bm | SW5_bm);
ioEnableInterrupt(&SW_PORT, SW1_bm | SW2_bm | SW3_bm | SW4_bm | SW5_bm);
ioInterruptMode(&SW_PORT, GPIO_IMR_FALLING_bm,
SW1_bm | SW2_bm | SW3_bm | SW4_bm | SW5_bm);
/*intc.h built in functions.*/
INTC_register_interrupt(&intHandlerPortA, AVR32_GPIO_IRQ_2, 3);
INTC_register_interrupt(&intHandlerPortA, AVR32_GPIO_IRQ_3, 3);
From exception.S:
// Start of Exception Vector Table.
* EVBA must be aligned with a power of two strictly greater than the
* EVBA-relative offset of the last vector.
.balign 0x200
// Export symbol.
.global _evba
.type _evba, @function
.org 0x000
// Unrecoverable Exception.
_handle_Unrecoverable_Exception: /* GETS STUCK ON THIS LINE*/
rjmp $
.org 0x004
// TLB Multiple Hit.
rjmp $
.org 0x008
// Bus Error Data Fetch.
rjmp $
.org 0x00C
// Bus Error Instruction Fetch.
rjmp $
.org 0x010
// NMI.
rjmp $
.org 0x014
// Instruction Address.
rjmp $
.org 0x018
// ITLB Protection.
rjmp $
.org 0x01C
// Breakpoint.
rjmp $
.org 0x020
// Illegal Opcode.
rjmp $
.org 0x024
// Unimplemented Instruction.
rjmp $
.org 0x028
// Privilege Violation.
rjmp $
.org 0x02C
// Floating-Point: UNUSED IN AVR32UC and AVR32AP.
rjmp $
.org 0x030
// Coprocessor Absent: UNUSED IN AVR32UC.
rjmp $
.org 0x034
// Data Address (Read).
rjmp $
.org 0x038
// Data Address (Write).
rjmp $
.org 0x03C
// DTLB Protection (Read).
rjmp $
.org 0x040
// DTLB Protection (Write).
rjmp $
.org 0x044
// DTLB Modified: UNUSED IN AVR32UC.
rjmp $
.org 0x050
// ITLB Miss.
rjmp $
.org 0x060
// DTLB Miss (Read).
rjmp $
.org 0x070
// DTLB Miss (Write).
rjmp $
.org 0x100
// Supervisor Call.
rjmp $