I have a robot mower that I'd like to make "smart" by using an Arduino compatible board to mimic key presses via the Blynk app. The control board of the mower is based on a [TM1668 chip] (https://www.sunrom.com/p/tm1668-soic24-led-displaykeypad-driver) (typical app circuit shown below)
and the 8 buttons are part of a 2x4 matrix I believe.
What's the best approach to mimic a key press with my microcontroller? I was thinking of using two BOB-12009 boards (SparkFun Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional)
with each connected to one column pin and then the outputs connected to the row pins. This should solve the issue of mimicking a button press while the scan shifts across columns; please correct me if I am wrong.
I plan on using the same board also to "read" the state of the LEDs and feed that back into the Blynk app.
I did consider trying to use the Arduino to mimic the TM1668 board, but I would like the original control panel to continue working and I believe this solution wouldn't work with the behaviour of the strobe line, etc.