I am trying to control a 12V solenoid valve with an ESP 3266 microcontroller. I have connected the device to an IRFZ44N MOSFET, a 12V NiMH battery pack and a 12V LED for testing as shown here:
I have written a simple blink sketch to turn the switch on and off every second and tested it with a simple 5V LED. I also have the built in LED turning off and on at the same time. When I connect the 12V bulb, it stays on continuously. When I hook up a multimeter, the voltage reading seems to be moving from 13.13V, which is the voltage of the battery when connected directly, down to about 12.7V on the same cycle as the sketch.
I have worked with these MOSFETs before but I am stumped as to what I am missing here. If this is the wrong MOSFET, could someone recommend a better alternative(s)?