I have an ESP32 board working on 3 AA batteries (deep sleep more than 99% of the time), and it works well during ~ 3 months before the batteries are empty. (There is a regulator converting the ~4.3 V => 3.3V)
What would be the impact of having the onboard LED blink during 20 milliseconds, 100 times per day?
Note: it will blink only during already existing "wake times", so it will never wake up specifically "just for blinking".
It seems that :
90 days * 100 times/day * 0.020 sec * 20 mA consumption = 180 sec * 20mA = 1 mAh
compared to the ~ 500 - 1000 mAh batteries capacity, so it won't change anything significantly to the battery duration.
Is this order of magnitude of total consumption of 1 mAh correct? (Or the fact the LED will start and stop flashing 9000 times will have an impact of the order of magnitude of total consumption because there is a consumption rise / fall ?)
Note: here is how it is done on the ESP32:
void setup() {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
on each wake up from deep sleep.
TL;DR: does a short LED pulse of 20 milliseconds really consume 20 mA * 0.020 s = 0.11 µAh, or, the fact it's 10 ms, 20 ms, or 100 ms won't change anything because it's a short pulse which with rise time/fall time, and it will always consume a certain minimum amount, no matter the length?