I found this electronic circuit in an old research, along with the code necessary to operate it. When I applied it in the laboratory, the results were not the same as in the original research, not even close. The voltage on the capacitor is equal to the battery voltage, and this is what I do not want. This "synchronous non-inverting buck-boost converter" must output a voltage higher than approximately 13.5 to charge the 12 V 7 Ah battery. The primary source for this circuit is a 50 W solar panel. I have checked all the parts, connections, and even the code, and I still do not know the reason. If this converter does not work, I suspect the reason may be the MOSFET gate driver connections. I tried to contact the person who did this research, but unfortunately, I did not find any email for him. What are your suggestions?
I fixed the position of the capacitors and I made my power supply "solar panel" at 17 V, and it started giving me 13-14.5 V at the output of the converter but it's not stable and the input of gates for left MOSFETs "buck leg" will be like the picture below, how can I fix it?
The Arduino code is generating 10 kHz signals.