I went through this SE post before asking my question:
How do you design a bridge rectifier circuit?
I have been continuously trying to simulate bridge-rectifier circuit in KiCAD and have kept failing. I have added GND reference for simulator (ngspice) in my circuit
Figure 1. KiCAD Schematic with Ground
I tried this in ngspice as well.
Here is my bridge_rectifier.cir
* this is a bridge rectifier
V1 a 0 sin(0 5 1k)
.model DMOD D (IS=65.4p RS=42.2m BV=1.00k IBV=5.00u
+ CJO=14.8p M=0.333 N=1.36 TT=2.88u)
D1 a b DMOD
D2 b c DMOD
D3 c 0 DMOD
D4 a 0 DMOD
R1 b 0 1k
.tran 5u 5m
plot v(a) v(b)
I don't seem to be getting, this expected output.
I tried using Multisim, but the online version is too limited and allows for only 5 components in a circuit.
Hoping to learn more about the grounding concept.