I have a Sparkfun Power Shield for 12v fan powering, controlled with a BeagleBone Black. As I haven't been able to read the RPM with this setup, I added an spared Arduino Uno to do this, and also I will be using it for some 5v sensors I have, and a small SPI Oled Screen for debugging purposes, all connected to the BeagleBone using serial.
This is the wiring layout:
I did to measure the RPM, and while it's working as intended (it reads accurately the rpm), when I connect the 12v ground from the power shield to the Arduino, the fan starts, as it seems the open collector could power the fan, or somehow the circuit is closing and I'm not able to see it.
The strange thing is, as I was moving some cables to see if the layout was ok, I removed the ground from the power shield, and then I enabled the fans from the BeagleBone, and it started to measure the RPM, on one wire..
I know there are "one wire sensors", but I don't know why I didn't found some similar layouts on the web, as it seems to work perfectly, and using only one cable it's great, at least for me, because of the fear of burning something with the open collector tach..
This is my first question on a stackexchange website, please tell me if I should make any amendments to the question. Best regards.
This is the schema, I just removed the ground connection between the arduino and the fan. Note: I hope the selected components are ok, as this is my first schema. Note 2, 8Khz square signal estimating 4 cycles per RPM, 2000 RPM average.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab