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Need help to find Thevenin resistance and Thevenin voltage

Here is the question I am trying to solve(there are 2 things I need to find. These are Vth and Rth): Here is my attempt: ( please check Vth if it is true ) I couldn't find Thevenin resistance at all ...
Computengineering's user avatar
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Analysis circuit using Thevenin theorem

in the book "Engineering Circuit Analysis", example 5.9, i don't understand few things, hope someone can clear up for me: Why does the dependent current can't flow through resistor 3k? If ...
Thaitao's user avatar
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4 answers

Are there any cases where the source transformation method can't be applied?

When I tried to use the source transformation method on the 12 V voltage source I got the wrong answer. If I transformed the 2 A current source it worked just fine. Are there any cases when deducing ...
Mohamed Fawal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Thevenin Equivalent of this mesh

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab I have to calculate the resistancy value Rx, when the equivalent thevenin voltage is applied and generates a current of 2 Amperes on ...
MartinSantiago Scuncia's user avatar
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What's the correct method to find the Thevenin Impedance in this circuit?

I cannot find the Zth in the circuit i uploaded; i calculated the correct value of Vth with the following steps: LKC @ N1: 5 + (0.2)Vo = -Vo/(8+4j) LKV @ the outer loop: Vth + Vo - (4-2j)*0.2 - Vo = ...
DSimow's user avatar
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I'm trying to determine the Thevenin voltage of a circuit using the node voltage method

I'm trying to determine the Thevenin voltage between the terminals a and b on this circuit: Notice that I've named the three essential nodes \$v_1\$, \$v_2\$ and \$v_3\$. I've highlighted the ground ...
Magnus's user avatar
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Thevenin equivalent resistance of circuit with diagonal resistors

I'm trying to find the Thevenin equivalent for part A of this circuit: I begin by opening the circuit at the dotted line of part A. Then I try to find \$V_{oc}\$ across the two terminals that are ...
user3266738's user avatar
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Thevenin analysis

I have a hard time understanding why Thevenin analysis works. I can see the math, and I can find the equivalent resistor, but I am not sure why it is a valid analysis from a practical point of view. ...
Rudy01's user avatar
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Parallel resistor not affecting rest of the circuit

I have been asked the following question: The resistance, r, is not known in fig(1a), why does its value not affect potential at b? By Thévenin's theorem, any arbitrary voltage source can be ...
Bart Platak's user avatar
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Thevenin equivalent with dependent and independent generators

Considering the following circuit When calculating the Thevenin equivalent, I calculate the Thevenin resistance value Rth. Why do I have to consider the controlled voltage generator? And ...
corsibu's user avatar
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Questions about Thevenin's Theorem

I am reading up on Thevenin's Theorem and this has prompted a few questions that I hope somebody will be able to answer. This is the tutorial I am reading. The circuit below is then given as an ...
DNN's user avatar
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How do I decide which method to use in circuit analysis?

I'm an Electrical Engineering student, and circuit analysis can be really confusing to me. I sort of understand the concepts of solving circuits, but I don't really know when to use which method. Are ...
Radiant's user avatar
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