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Weird I2C communication issue with INA226 tested on Arduino UNO and STM32F4

I have been working with the ina226 sensor for a while using this cheap dev board I never had any problems with: I ordered more new of this sensors from AliExpress and they look like this: Main ...
Jos PaCo's user avatar
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I2C line dropping voltage before making call to slave

I have been coding an stm32f3discovery to talk to the arduino nano as part of my project for building a drone. I have had it working before but have since made my own pcb for it all to link into and ...
Jack F's user avatar
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STM32F3 I2C communication with Arduino

I am trying to implement the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) of STM32F3 Discovery Board to communicate with 2 slaves (arduino) in my project. However, I cannot send any data to arduino. Here is my ...
Leonard1995's user avatar