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How to detect which pins on a pin display are touched using capacitive sensing

I'm working on a project to apply touch sensitivity to a modified pin display (30x30). The goal is to allow someone to interact with the display through their fingers and ideally touch. We initially ...
aheigins's user avatar
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Capacitive projectile triggering touch screen

I've read through a number of questions (How can a capacitive touch screen be triggered without human contact?), (How to use a capacitive touch screen without a human hand), (What is the minimal ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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What is the minimal capacitor (capitor type/size/capacity) needed to fool a capacitive touch screen? [duplicate]

Say I want to provide a device (completely batteryless of course, and detached from any human touch) the capability to immitate a touch on a capacitive screen (Galaxy S6 here). I know I just need some ...
rubmz's user avatar
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Finding the touching angle on a touch-screen?

I am wondering if it is possible to detect from which direction (or at which angle) a human touches a touchscreen. Imagine something like this: Is there any technology out there (e.g. special ...
Mohamed Khamis's user avatar
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Thermoplastic-based touch panels: why not?

(I'm new to EE.SE, so I don't know if this is on-topic here. Please forgive me.) From what I understand, capacitive touch technology relies on coating one side of a resistive material with a ...
Tortoise's user avatar
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