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ATmega - reading PIN defined as PORT

What value reads the ATmega328 in case: DDRA = 0xff; PORTA = 0x00; pin_state = PINA; another words, what is state of PIN if I/O is defined as output PORT and all ...
Michal Podmanický's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the reason that this RJ11 cable can't be connected to this socket? [closed]

I connect one end of this RJ11 to my router's WAN port, and I connect the other end of it to a 3-pin plug, and I connect that 3-pin plug to the phone jack, but when I try to connect the RJ11 cable to ...
avdaad's user avatar
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What is the difference between PTC and PORTC?

I am working on s32k144 controller in which I learnt how to configure pins as INPUT, while referring data sheet I got to know the base address GPIOC base address: 400F_F080h which is matching with ...
pankaj prasad's user avatar
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AtTiny85 reading from PIN

First, I'm kinda new to this AVR world, please don't be too hard. I'm running into a very simply problem. I'm trying to use the ATTiny85 inside the Arduino framework, but without the Arduino ...
Martin Tétreault's user avatar
2 votes
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Special USB Port With "Sensor" Contact

I've bought these special upright USB Type A ports with a "Sensor Contact" (the stray pin I've marked "Sensor Contact Pin"). I've been Googling on how they work, as well as sent about a half dozen ...
Dominic Luciano's user avatar
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HD44780 in 4bit mode connected to only ONE PORT on PIC

i am new to PIC programming. I am using MPLAB X + XC8 compiler. I have on a breadboard an PIC18F4550 connected to a HD44780 compatible LCD. Digging online i found out a routine to interface the PIC ...
George Dima's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Pin and port in microcontroller

I'm a bit new to microcontrollers. Can you please tell me what is a port and pin in a microcontroller? What are their uses (pin and port)?
MacroBoy's user avatar
2 votes
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Voltage at output pin of a controller

I would like to ask a simple question. I do have controller whose pins are configured were configured as o/p. The controller runs at 3.3v and it's from the Pic18f family of controllers.Why is it that ...
Rookie91's user avatar
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What is a mutli-bit port (4-bit, 8-bit, ..etc.)

I've been researching XMOS multicore microcontrollers lately so that I can use them soon. I've worked with many development boards, even made a few of my own, although there is one thing that I don't ...
Funkyguy's user avatar
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Difference between reading PORT and PIN

What is the difference between reading PORTA and PINA? What is the relation between a port and its pins?I'm really confused!!! sample of reading PORT:(reading pin is not useful here) Assembly f=1MHZ ...
Hanna's user avatar
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What happens when you set a pin in the wrong direction?

All MCU's have digital pins, which you can configure to function as input or output. When you set something to 'output' which is wired as an 'input', will there be any possibilities of short-circuits ...
Maestro's user avatar
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