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UART only succesfull on first transmit

I have a STM32 NUCLEO-L031K6 board that I am trying to test some UART on. Following this guide: I get TeraTerm to show &...
Borst's user avatar
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3 answers

Scoping the UART on a STM32 Nucleo

I have a Nucleo F446RE, which writes to UART which is handled by the built-in ST-Link over VCP on USB. I'd like to be able to see the serial signals on my oscilloscope as well. There are two exposed ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How connect the STlink on NUCLEO f401RE to communicate with STM32F4 discovery?

I have this configuration of MCUs. I need to know how connect the STlink on NUCLEO to discovery because I need the Virtual com PORT.
Cristian DAuria 's user avatar
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"Textbook" example of UART doesn't work on stm32f756zg. HAL_UART_Transmit() returns HAL_BUSY

I want to send a message through uart5 of my nucleo board. I configured UART5 appropriately as per . Here is main(): ...
David's user avatar
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Transmit large data through UART OR Ethernet

I followed the AN4666 to read data from GPIOC ports triggered by timer input capture mode and save into a large buffer of uint8 in size of (510000) arrays, all I want to do is to transmit the full ...
AHMED's user avatar
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Send Data With Usart STM32

I have to send data using the usart2 in my nucleo64 stm32f446re board. The type of data I have to send is float but until now I always send uint8_t using this code; ...
Andrea's user avatar
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STM32 UART send broken frames

I have a NUCLEO-F303RE board and try to send some data by one-wire UART with 57600 baudrate. But frames are sent broken (see images below): How must to be: What I get: I've tried to use different ...
Shadasviar's user avatar
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STM32 NUCLEO-F302R8 UART : RX pin does not trigger RX callback

I'm using an STM32 NUCLEO-F302R8 and wish to communicate with it using any UART instance (1,2,3) through its RX/TX pins. So far, I've managed to read from the TX pin but never managed to send messages ...
jwav's user avatar
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STM32 Nucleo UART2 tx/rx pins wired to UART3 tx/rx pins [duplicate]

I am exploring UARTs on the STM32F103RB on a nucleo board. The board is connected via USB to my laptop, and I can send/receive messages using the ...
bas's user avatar
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STM32F4 USART not correctly configured

I'm trying to manually* configure a USART on a Nucleo F401RE to transmit over the USB virtual COM port, which means using USART2 on PA2 (TX) and PA3 (RX). Not only am I not receiving any characters, ...
Isvara's user avatar
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Uart Transmit every 1µs Interrupt StM32 NucleoF401-Re

I am using the STM32 Nucleo F401-RE and HAL libraries. I would like to send value through UART to the PC console every 1µs interruption. Actually I want every 1 µs interruption to increment a ...
Youssef Kamoun's user avatar