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Remove/exclude exposed pad of QFN package from PCB layout

I am doing a PCB layout with a Atmel/Microchip MCU ATSAML21E18B-MUT‎ which has QFN-32 package 5x5mm. This board can have a maximum of 20x40mm and I am having problems with space because the circuit is not very little and also there is an NFC antenna on-board that occupies 14x14mm on both sides.

The drawing of "32 pin QFN" is on page 1123. The datasheet does not mention if this pad should or not be connected to GND or other signal.

Here is the link of the datasheet:

Check my current drawing of QFN-32 package on the current layout below, there is a 2.8x2.8mm square pad in the center, also known as exposed pad. I want to delete it... in order I can route tracks and vias below the QFN package. Doing this I would finish the layout easily.

enter image description here

And, when assembly the boards, place an electrical insulation material between the IC package and the board, to guarantee there will be no short-circuit between the center pad of the QFN-32 package and a via or track, for example, if the solder mask don't guarantee.

enter image description here

Then, in this case, can I securely remove the center pad of the QFN-32 from the PCB layout? Does somebody here already did this?

  • OBS1: It is a double-side board, there is no possibility to go multilayer.
  • OBS2: The IC does not heat.

The package:

enter image description here

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