I am currently working on a Analog Telephone project and I have some questions. ICs and Central are below;
- Central: KX-NS500 (Gives 28VDC)
- DTMF Receiver: MT8870
- DTMF Generator: HT9200B
- Line Mng. IC: TEA1062AT
- Power IC: 3V3 Fixed SMPS
Below is my circuit diagram with some details;
Here is the DTMF receiver with MT8870 IC. I build the transistor circuits because datasheet says IC's typical Vdd = 5.0V however it works fine with 3V3.
Here is Tone Generator Circuit. It is working in parallel mode.
Here is MCU circuit diagram. Some Keypads and GPIOs.
- Line (TEA1062AT)!!!
Here are the TEA1062AT & Line Connection. J2 stands for "Hook Switch" and J3 for "Line Input".
Here I have some problems. First of all, when I supply all other ICs (Receiver, Generator, MCU) with 3V3 from Power Supply (Isolated from TEA1062AT's Vcc) all of them works fine. I can send and receive DTMF tone. But when I try to supply using TEA1062At VCC pin, (Datasheet says you can use this pin to supply peripherals)current from this pin is not being enough. When I upload empty code to MCU, I have stable 3.32V @VCC from TEA. (VCC_Line Net) but I try to send and receive some datas from MCU to Generator and Receiver, that 3.32V oscillate. I tried to increase current capability by lowerind R114 and by inrceasing R93. It did not work. Then I tried get fixed fixed 3V3 voltage by using circuit below.
I take supply for this circuit from after R87(Voltage drop here is Aprox. 9V). It works. This time I could not get the DTMF tone from TEA1062 Line Pin.
Ok. Any way to supply all peripherals without/with TEA1062AT? How to interface with Central - TEA1062 IC? What is wrong in these circuit?
Thank you.