Hey folks I'm not an expert in designing PCBs or electronics so want to discuss this with you guys. I'm designing a PCB in which I would be using an Arduino microcontroller. On the same PCB, I want to add an MPU6050 sensor. But the problem is that I am not sure how am I gonna be connecting it directly with the Arduino controller. There are several breakout boards or modules available with this sensor that can connect directly to Arduino. So my question is, is there a place where I can find the schematic details of these modules and just copy and paste the schematic and trace the connections with the microcontroller so it would work just like the module does? Also is this the way things are done in electronics while designing PCBs ? Is this the appropriate way to do it?
I have tried my best explaining my issue here. Don't know any other way to describe the problem. Also tried Googling and GPT a lot but none helped. I'm very clueless and confused here, please guide me.