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  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
What would prohibit replacing six 1.5V AA cells with a number of parallel wired 9V cells?
You could add power diodes when connecting the batteries in parallel to prevent cross-charging, but then you get slightly higher loss, however in a pinch it would work. But then who's ever been in a pinch such that they can afford to slap five 9V batteries + 5 diodes on something but not 6xAA's? :D
Best way to do I2C/TWI over long distance
Hi, I know this is an old question but what did you end up doing in the end? I have exactly the same question as you, similar distances involved and minimum 100kHz clock rate. I'd be interested to know what worked for you, thanks.
Flickering on PCA9685 PWM controller with 3W RGB LED and Picobuck
Hmmmm, interesting I hadn't seen that before. Are you using the same onStep value for all channels (preferably 0)? Which method are you calling to change the duty? Another thing I noticed was that some channels flicker more than others, presumably because they are off for longer during the cycle reset while others don't seem to flicker much at all. Are you noticing that?
Why do most PWM LED displays and backlights operate at a relatively low frequency?
Totally agree about the strobe effect at night, it's immensely distracting for at least some people with high sensitivity to flicker, myself included.
Flickering on PCA9685 PWM controller with 3W RGB LED and Picobuck
Clarification: brightness>duty and a few more details on cycles, formatting
Flickering on PCA9685 PWM controller with 3W RGB LED and Picobuck
Found some more info and managed to solve my problem by turning off phase balancing. This may have other implications, but for now it suits my purposes. See my new answer below.
Flickering on PCA9685 PWM controller with 3W RGB LED and Picobuck
@Mangist hmm, thanks for that. I just found this post which seems to suggest that it's actually a flaw in the PCA9685 itself with certain LEDn_ON and LEDn_OFF values leading to missed cycles. Which PCA9685 library did you use? I'm using this one, perhaps there's something that can be tweaked there.
Flickering on PCA9685 PWM controller with 3W RGB LED and Picobuck
I'm having this exact problem right now, same PWM board but using MOSFETs to drive 3W LEDs. Did you find out what the problem was or come across a solution?
Low cost power supply redundancy
Yeah, I was trying to keep this side simple, but FETs are another option, you're right.
Does water actually damage or only temporarily disable electronics until drying out?
+1 for removing power source ASAP. The longer current is flowing the more damage can occur. I've also used methylated spirits (rubbing alcohol) on some circuits to wash out the corrosive water. It evaporates quickly and leaves little residue. However there are probably other risks to some components, YMMV.