I read a lot about IBIS, what. "What I understood is that they basically model the input and output voltage, and current data based on actual performance instead of describing them through equations like in SPICE. Please correct me if I am wrong. However,
I cannot for the life of me understand where they are used.
It is said to be supported by 'virtually any simulation software', however it isn't on LTspice orbut LTspice and TINA don't support it. Then I come across posts like these (https://en-support.renesas.com/knowledgeBase/4967225#:~:text=Answer%3A,the%20device%27s%20I%2FO%20pins.&text=An%20IBIS%20model%20does%20not,be%20used%20for%20SPICE%20modeling.)these which say it does not work like a SPICE model. So what
What exactly do they do? Can I connect, say, resistors around an IBIS model of an op-amp in non-inverting configuration and expect to see an amplification? Or doDo I need to convert it to SPICE, or neither? I am very confused. Please help.