I am doing a project which requires remote communication between a microcontroller and a circuit containing 2 stepper motors. I am using a PIC24FJ32MC101 because that's what I had laying around the house when I started. The project requires communication over a distance of about 6 inches where line of sight is not possible. The data transferred will be controlling stepper motors so the speed at which the data is transferred is not important. The connection should be able to be preprogrammed and does not require any pairing or connection setup such as Bluetooth does when powering on.
I am just starting out and I am getting overwhelmed by all the terminology such as UART, I2C, Bluetooth, Wifi, RF, infrared and many more. I am a little unclear which one of these are protocols and which are methods of remote communication such as RF and infrared.
For example, I think UART, I2C and Bluetooth are protocols but Bluetooth is also only wireless and UART can be both. So if I choose to use Bluetooth, do I have to also choose a data protocol like UART or I2C? If I choose RF chips do they require the same handshaking that Bluetooth does? That wouldn't really work for this application.
I also know that Infrared and RF are physical methods of data transfer but are there any more I should consider? Are there any popular chips that I should consider using with lots of documentation and tutorials?
I tried reading a lot online but felt more confused the more I dove in. If there is any good simplified reading of the overall problem of remote comm I would be glad to check it out.
Thank you for any help!
Edit: The communication needs to be wireless and is only 1 way. I was trying to get away without any processing on the receiving side but it is not an issue if a microcontroller is required there also. The transmitting side has a PIC24 as stated above.