I'm interested building my own battery pack using a series of super capacitor, something like this : http://youtu.be/z3x_kYq3mHM
I plan to use it as a power backup solution for my laptop. Based on what i've been reading on the internet, using super capacitor to store energy are much more faster compare to using lithium battery and it weights more lighter than the lithium. After discovering that idea, that made me really interested in building one to be used as power backup for my laptop.
Now I can just charge the battery pack separately (by regular outlet or solar) and when I'm low with battery for my laptop I can charge my laptop again using that battery pack.
I really don't know how efficient is this idea and if this is viable to be used for a laptop battery pack. I'm also not sure how long will the battery pack last once it's hooked to a laptop (eg Macbook Pro) and if I series a bunch of super capacitor will it still weight light enough to be carried along with a laptop.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts.