I'm working on a particle filter experiment for multi-sensor fusion and I just programmed it in MATLAB. However, I get very low accuracies for my final values. Plus, I read a lot of literature where they talk about pdf of state and observations etc. but my practical knowledge is still extremely shaky, since I've had no formal training in filtering/Bayesian estimates etc.
I have devised my algorithm like this:
Initialize particles = I'm doing it as a Gaussian distribution - 10 particles
Move the 10 particles forward using the state transition equation: X_t+1 = A*X_t + 0.1*rand() (only injecting Gaussian noise so far)
Using the observation, calculate the weights for the particles. I do this like a root mean square of the difference between predicted state and observation. For example, if my azimuth(a) = 40, pitch(p) = 3, roll(r)=4 in my state and in my observation it is a = 39, p = 3, r = 3, then I do rms = sqrt((40-39)^2 + (3-3)^2 + (4-3)^2). Then my weight is assigned as 1/rms in order for it to be inversely proportional to the 'distance' between the prediction and observation
Then I normalize these weights to get norm_weight = weight/norm(weight) so that their sum is equal to one.
Then I continue forward for all the observations. I have not included resampling yet because when I run this experiment, I do not experience any degeneracy, which is also very puzzling.
Where am I going wrong? I realized that I haven't 'computed' a lot of the Bayesian equations given in the literature i.e. p(x/z_t) = p(z_t/x)*p(x)/p(z) etc. and I don't know where it fits in here either. Can somebody please help me?
My Matlab code looks like this:
function resultx = particlefilter(resultx_1, observationx, A, noiseP)
for j = 1:length(observationx)
for i = 1:length(resultx_1)
apriori_state{i} = A*resultx_1{i} + noiseP;
rms(i) = sqrt((observationx{j}(1) - apriori_state{i}(1))^2 +(observationx{j}(2) - apriori_state{i}(2))^2);
weight(i) = 1/rms(i);
norm_weight = weight/norm(weight);
for i = 1:length(apriori_state)