I am starting a project and will be using WS2811 LED drivers to create a large matrix (about 40 to 50 panels) with a micro controller (Arduino compatible). I already purchased and received the RGB LED strips. They are the 5050 Type and have 30 LEDs per meter. I want to use the WS2811 to control each panel using a portion of the LED strip in each panel. The LED strip can be cut and the smallest section contains 3 LEDs.
My question is how many of these 3 LED sections can I control with on WS2811?
Since I ordered the WS2811 chips separately I figured I could use one per panel to light up the entire panel with even light. The panels are about 24x18 inches. I know that the WS2811 will keep current constant for the color so I figured that I could possibly put several 3 LED sections in parallel.
Thanks in advance for your responses and I appreciate any advice you can give me.