I'm designing a UVC LEDs strip using WS2811 LED driver ICs. I'm using the Vishay UVC emitting diodes [3] having the forward voltage of 6.8 V and the radiant power typically 2.5 mW at 20 mA. I used one LED per WS2811 chip as the typical output constant current of the WS2811 IC is 18.5 mA. If I use more than one LED per IC then a constant current of 18.5 mA will be divided which I don't want. I used a 5 V regulator to regulate 6.8 V to 5 V to power the WS2811 chip.
In the WS2811 datasheet, there are two sample circuits, (i) using 5 V and (ii) 12 V power supply. I'm a little bit confused about how they fed 12 V to the VDD pin of the IC as the maximum voltage of the VDD pin is 6-7 V.
Also, they say that R1 is used as the IC internal LDO divider resistance and the value is 2.7K. how they calculate this resistance value.
And what would be the R1 value for 6.8 V?
if I use a 5 V to power the IC and 6.8 V to power the UVC LED and use one LED per IC would work? Any recommendations would be very helpful. Thank you.