Do you have a choice between (a) a chopper drive that automatically turns everything off when it overheats, and lets you set the maximum current allowed through to the motor to prevent the motor from overheating, or (b) a L/R stepper drive that turns on its internal power transistor between the stepper and the power supply, and if you happen to stop sending step pulses it leaves that transistor on indefinitely, even if it makes the motor or the power transistor melt?
If you have a choice, I recommend the chopper drive.
Also, I would look at the data sheet for your motor and find the maximum recommended current for that motor, and set the chopper drive to limit its output to that current.
If your datasheet doesn't say what the rated current is, divide the rated voltage (hopefully at least that is printed on your motor or listed in the datasheet) by the coil resistance (which you can measure with an ohmmeter) to get the rated current.
If you are stuck with the older L/R stepper driver, then resistors in series with the stepper winding are an excellent idea.
The maximum current before the motor is damaged is different than the maximum current before the L/R stepper driver electronics is damaged -- use the smaller of the two currents in your calculations.
Is the smaller of the two is "750mA" in your case?
Russell Laidman's tutorial "Stepper Motors and Control: Part III - Current Control of Stepper Motors"
describes how to calculate the appropriate resistor -- it appears that you are doing that calculation correctly.
You may find the
RepRap Motor FAQ useful
and the RepRep Stepper Motor page informative.
The RepRap alternative electronics page has a list of many chopping -- or even better, microstepping chopping motor drivers.
The Open Circuits motor driver page has an even longer list.
If you have a chopper driver, connect it directly to the motor.
Any resistance between a chopper driver and the motor reduces performance and wastes power.
When a chopper motor driver "is rated at 750 mA",
it means "The chopper motor driver will control the power sent to the motor to at most 750 mA; it is designed to supply that amount of current indefinitely".
That rating does not mean that you need to do something to limit that current.
It's kind of like a light bulb "is rated at 100 W",
it means that the light bulb will control the current pulled from the power grid so that it consumes 100 W; it is designed to run at 100 W for its entire lifetime.
That rating does not mean that you need to do something to limit that current.