After a few good years, my CrockPot gave up. It looks to me that there may be something wrong with electronics, and being and Arduino enthusiast, I thought I could re-build it. The symptoms are that the whole device switches on but whenever the actual program is set, it just switches itself off again (goes dark).
From what I can see there is one heating element and a temperature probe attached to the main body (white wire):
.. another view at the connections:
The main circuit board features connection of the temperature probe (NTC1) and a transistor to switch the heating element on/off, as well as all of the buttons, display and power processing components:
The markings on the main driver are can seen on a closeup here: (probably this one:
Rear view of the circuit board:
Is my assumption correct that there is probably something wrong with the controller and the heating elements are most likely fine & can be reused?
My main hurdle is to understand exactly what the circuit may look like in this case and how much of it do I need to re-create for basic control. I am happy to design the control/arduino part but for exact understanding what are the requirements of the heating elements, that is where I need help!
I've now also measured resistance between the red and black wire (heating element) - 250Ω. The thermistor seems to be clocking at 13.8kΩ.