bit of an amateur looking for some advice. Have done quite a bit of web searching but want to validate my proposed design. The project is a water control system using a raspberry pi.
I have a water purifier with a tank, and i need to move the water to 4 printers when they need water. However, the printers contain a water tank so i need some kind of precision.
I tought about this design :
Thanks to the precision needed, i don't think i can use the gravity to move the liquid. That's why i tought about using a pump. But i think that might cause some troubles. Will it be troublesome to active the pump when all valves are closed ? if i open the valve one at a time and then active the pump will it work ?
Maybe another design will work better ?
I need advice ...
It works like this :
the printers send a message in a database . For the moment i send the error message to a raspberry pi with sockets .
Now i want to use these messages and when one of the printers need water , i want to refill it automatically. When i receive the message , i know that the printer need, for example, 4L of water. That's why i need a pump so i know i need to active the pump for like 30sec and approximatively 4l of water will be refilled.
But i'm afraid, il will cause problems with the pump and the solenoid in series ...