Most Microchip PIC 8-bit micros have a hardware stack with a depth of only 8! (the size will vary for different PIC devices). Because the stack depth on these micros is so small it is used only for function calls. Each function call will consume one level of the hardware stack. The rest of the variables are pushed into a software stack which is automatically handled by the compiler.
So having an interrupt will automatically consume 1 level of the stack. Of course you can have variables declared in your interrupt, but they will be pushed into the software stack by the compiler.
Your microcontroller (PIC16F1709) has a 16-level hardware stack, which is a fairly good depth. In your sample code you only use 2 levels of the stack: one for the ISR and one for the MY_FIFO_Push
function call from the ISR. So you're left with 14 more levels for nested function calls.
From Embedded Systems/PIC Microcontroller:
The PIC stack is a dedicated bank of registers (separate from
programmer-accessible registers) that can only be used to store return
addresses during a function call (or interrupt).
12 bit: A PIC microcontroller with a 12 bit core (the first generation
of PIC microcontrollers) ( including most PIC10, some PIC12, a few
PIC16 ) only has 2 registers in its hardware stack. Subroutines in a
12-bit PIC program may only be nested 2 deep, before the stack
overflows, and data is lost. People who program 12 bit PICs spend a
lot of effort working around this limitation. (These people are forced
to rely heavily on techniques that avoid using the hardware stack. For
example, macros, state machines, and software stacks). 14 bit: A PIC
microcontroller with a 14 bit core (most PIC16) has 8 registers in the
hardware stack. This makes function calls much easier to use, even
though people who program them should be aware of some remaining
gotchas [4]. 16 bit: A PIC microcontroller with a 16 bit core (all
PIC18) has a "31-level deep" hardware stack depth. This is more than
deep enough for most programs people write. Many algorithms involving
pushing data to, then later pulling data from, some sort of stack.
People who program such algorithms on the PIC must use a separate
software stack for data (reminiscent of Forth). (People who use other
microprocessors often share a single stack for both subroutine return
addresses and this "stack data").
Call-tree analysis can be used to find the deepest possible subroutine
nesting used by a program. (Unless the program uses w:recursion). As
long as the deepest possible nesting of the "main" program, plus the
deepest possible nesting of the interrupt routines, give a total sum
less than the size of the stack of the microcontroller it runs on,
then everything works fine. Some compilers automatically do such
call-tree analysis, and if the hardware stack is insufficient, the
compiler automatically switches over to using a "software stack".
Assembly-language programmers are forced to do such analysis by hand.
From PIC stack overflow (if you read this article you might not want to use PICs in future projects. It hasn't stopped me, though :-) ):
The key thing to understand about the 8 bit PIC architecture is that
the stack size is fixed. It varies from a depth of 2 for the really
low end devices to 31 for the high end 8 bit devices. The most popular
parts (such as the 16F877) have a stack size of 8. Every (r)call
consumes a level, as does the interrupt handler. To add insult to
injury, if you use the In Circuit Debugger (ICD) rather than a full
blown ICE, then support for the ICD also consumes a level. So if you
are using a 16 series part (for example) with an ICD and interrupts,
then you have at most 6 levels available to you. What does this mean?
Well if you are programming in assembly language (which when you get
down to it was always the intention of the PIC designers) it means
that you can nest function calls no more than six deep. If you are
programming in C then depending on your compiler you may not even be
able to nest functions this deep, particularly if you are using size