Homework: I am trying to wrap my head around converting a capacitor circuit into an equivalent capacitor. I have looked at resources saying that it is the same as delta-wye transformation of resistors, but in reverse. I thought I had the process right, but I keep getting the wrong answer.
24 48
|\ |
| \ 4 |
8 |( |( |( 24
| \ |
| \ |
| \ |
10 30
I combined the 48 and 24 into one, then took a Delta-wye transform:
24 16
\ /
\ /
C2 |( )| C3
\ /
|( C1
The calculations I used were as follows:
4*8 + 4*30 + 8*30 = 392
C1 = 392/4 = 98
C2 = 392/30 = 13.1
C3 = 392/8 = 49
Plugging in those numbers the equivalent capacitance should be:
Ceq = (24^-1 + 98^-1 + 10^-1)^-1 + 13.1 + (16^-1 + 49^-1)^-1 = 31.7
Unfortunately this is the wrong answer. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, Please help.