Board: Tiva™ C Series TM4C1294
My program is listening to 2 UART ports (UART 3 and 7)
I've encounter a problem that I'm losing some bytes received and I'm suspecting that this issue relate to the UART's interrupts.
I understand that UARTs have nested interrupts but does both of them are serial?
For example: I'm inside UART 3 interrupt function and then while UART 3 didn't finish the interrupt (just copy their bytes to buffer) UART 7 interrupts arrives, does the system moves to UART 7 or it will first finish UART 3 and then moves to the UART 7?
Currently I'm suffering from error bytes something like 45-400 bytes for file that his size in 12 Mbytes.
I'm suspecting the above issue cause this issues.
p.s if only 1 UART is sending data I have binary same files on both host and PC.