I've got a set of LPD6803 LED lights controlled by an Arduino that I'd like to connect to a 12v system powered off an auto battery. The lights can run off 5-12V but this particular Arduino board is spec'd for only 4-8V Vin.
The total draw of the lights will be something under 30W. My guess is significantly lower, but I'm basing this on the spec sheet. (In testing I can run them off a 5V/2A AC adapter and it works fine)
Any ideas for the simplest way to power both from the single 12v source? It seems like the lights can run off a 12V circuit while the Arduino runs off a 5V circuit. Or I can run them both off 5V, if the 5V source can provide this power. I'm pretty sure a 12v->USB plug probably wouldn't. Does a 7805 apply here?
(I also have an inverter + AC adapter solution I could use but it's quite a hack!)