In mobile phones and other devices using a 3-axis electronic compass, a ∞/8/S shaped movement is used to calibrate the magnetometer as shown in these videos.
Why is this movement performed, what is the theory, and can anyone give some example C code to implement it?
You must have to go through my another similar question containing more info.
Some additional info for this particular question: The platform is 8-bit AtMega32, using AVR Studio 5.
Till now I've tried: I tried dividing the average by 2 of vector values of the Magnetometer making the shape. Thinking might help in calculating offsets. I think some how the two identical parts/sides of the shape is cancelling the earth's magnetic field and giving out the offset values. I might be wrong. But particularly for the shape based calibration this is where I am currently. I think the calibration works out this way. The idea is to find out does that work out this way?
Ok the code by which I can calculate the offsets and later simply subtract those from the Raw magnetic 3D vector. I might be totally wrong and have no explanation how it works. Seeing after the video and the data plotted on the sphere, somehow has accelerated my thought and I used that thought on form of equation. B)
The Read_accl();
and Read_magnato(1);
functions are reading the sensor data. I hope the code is self explanatory. Hoping wise ppl will surely be using this in much better ways. :\
void InfinityShapedCallibration()
unsigned char ProcessStarted = 0;
unsigned long cnt = 0;
while (1)
// Keep reading Acc data
// Detect Horizontal position
// Detect Upside down position
// Then detect the Horizontal position again.
// Meanwhile an infinity shaped movement will be created.
// Sum up all the data, divide by the count, divide by 2 .
// !We've offsets.
if (ProcessStarted!=3)
//rprintfFloat(4, g_structAccelerometerData.accx_RAW);
//rprintfFloat(4, g_structAccelerometerData.accy_RAW);
//rprintfFloat(4, g_structAccelerometerData.accz_RAW);
if (
abs( g_structAccelerometerData.accx_RAW) < 100
&& abs(g_structAccelerometerData.accy_RAW) < 100
&& g_structAccelerometerData.accz_RAW < -350
&& ProcessStarted != 2 && ProcessStarted != 3 && ProcessStarted != 1 )
ProcessStarted = 1;
if (ProcessStarted==1)
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_X += g_structMegnetometerData.magx_RAW;
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Y += g_structMegnetometerData.magy_RAW;
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Z += g_structMegnetometerData.magz_RAW;
if ( g_structAccelerometerData.accz_RAW > 350
&& ProcessStarted==1)
ProcessStarted = 2;
if ( g_structAccelerometerData.accz_RAW < -350
&& ProcessStarted == 2 )
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_X /= cnt;
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_X /= 2;
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Y /= cnt;
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Y /= 2;
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Z /= cnt;
structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Z /= 2;
After getting these offsets I used them as follows:
void main()
g_structMegnetometerData.magx_RAW -= structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_X ;
g_structMegnetometerData.magy_RAW -= structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Y ;
g_structMegnetometerData.magz_RAW -= structMagnetometerOffsetDataToEEPROM.Off_Z ;
As I mentioned.