I am trying to understand a text about beamforing :
Classic beamforming toy example. Single spatial stream, 2x2. With one interferer, receiver alone can null it. With two interferers, need to coordinate nulls in both receivers and transmitters. For example, the nulls for the transmitters to receivers are (1,2), (2,3), (3,1) and for the receivers to transmitters are (2,1), (3,2), and (1,3), thus using all six degrees of freedom to cancel the six interference paths. With three interferers (four user pairs), we lack sufficient degrees of freedom to cancel interference. Thus, we resort to orthogonalization of channels.
What do we mean by nulling in this case? Are interference coming from the antennas inside the 2x2 system? is the case with two interferes a 3x3 system and the next one a 4x4 system? What is a user pair, is it an antenna in the MIMO setup? What is a degree of freedom in this case and why do we have only six of them?