I have an IR Receiver , but I am not sure if it works or not, I want to make sure weather it's burnt or not, How can I test this with Multi meter ? If it can not be tested with multi-meter, Is there any easy to test ?
1 Answer
Confirm the pin-out from the data sheet. Two pins will be DC power in; a voltage between +3.3v and +5v, the other ground. The third pin is output, which may be floating, or may have an internal high-value pull-up resistor to the positive DC supply pin. Incorrect application of power to Vdd and ground pins can/will easily destroy the device. Most receiver chips pull the output pin to ground when they see a sustained optical signal of the correct frequency. "Sustained" means more than about ten cycles.
The following circuit may produce some short LED light pulses when you excite the dome part of the receiver module with the optical signal from a TV-remote transmitter. Because these remote receivers are tuned to various frequencies (between 30 kHz - 60 kHz), you may get no indication on the LED if your remote transmitter is not frequency-matched to the receiver.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab