
In below Design , working ok with Vcc was 5V, but due to some modification I have only 15V power supply available to use this circuit. So i change as per 15V requirement ( see below image), Pin 1 is open Drain so did not removed R34 Removed R43 WDI_IO is drive form micro controller Reset of Pin 1 goes to Trigger input of 555 IC ( which has max working voltage of 18V , not shown in SCH)

Since U3 max voltage range is 5.5V , So I am thinking to change FB28 with 1K resistor and C40 with 5.0V Zener Diode.

Zener Spec:- 5.0Vz, Test Current 5mA Max PD 500mW So Max current = 500mW/5V = 100mA Min Rs = (15V-5V)/100mA = 100oHM

I choose 1K as Series Resistor so Current will be

I= (15-5)/1K= 10mA, This can supply both zener and load whch is my IC I as per data sheet IC Current suppy need in approx 200nA).

Does this look ok ,to use zener in this case as my load current in not much.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Using a zener diode as a voltage dropper is unsafe and inefficient — at best you'll end up dissipating heat in both the diode and limiting resistor. As the load current is low enough you could (and should) use a voltage regulator such as the good old LM7805 in a TO220 package. For a 5mA load current the regulator would dissipate 50mW — i.e. \$ (15V - 5V) \times 0.005A = 50mW \$ — which is way better than any zener + diode contraption. As such there's no more need to hack your circuitry, much simpler, much safer.


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