I am working on early stage of product design and was hoping I could get some guidance/ help.
My product will use between 12 and 15 individual, small (less than 1" diameter) rotational, self-returning solenoids.
I do not yet know the force requirements, but anticipate they will be relatively modest.
When power is applied to the solenoids, they will rotate (45-90 degrees). When power is cut, they will need to return to their starting position.
There will be a single power on/off switch and we want all the solenoids to always engage and dis-engage together.
I am hoping that its possible to run all of the solenoids from one battery or set of batteries.
The solenoids would be engaged for approximately 5 seconds at a time. I am trying to understand power requirements and and also to figure out how many times could the set of solenoids be engaged before batteries are drained
The Solenoid I am looking at requires requires .93w
If I use a single D battery with 13,000 mAh capacity to power all 15 solenoids in the device, does that mean I should be able to power the 15 solenoids in the device approximately 931 times (13,000/15/.93)
I do not understand how to take into consideration that the solenoids will be powered up for only approx. 5 seconds at a time and how the hourly value in the mAh should be considered.
Thank you very much,