The way it works is that you charge a capacitor from the fuel cell (FC). When the capacitor has enough charge (voltage) then you start a single flyback cycle. This is a discontinuous flyback convertor.
The convertor inductor/current is independent of the FC current. The on time (charging the inductor) is fixed, and can be anything from less than a micro second to 100us. Because the voltage you start at is fixed, inductance is fixed, then using a fixed on time, means a predetermined current will flow.
To keep on the MPPT point, you don't want to discharge the cap too much with the flyback pulse, so design it for (say) 10% drop in voltage during the flyback cycle.
Aside from using a dedicated chip, it is very easy to do this with a small micro like a PIC.
repeat {
if Vcap>Vthreshold {
} else {
For example this arrangement has 10mA inductor current per 1us on time. Try using the simulator and changing the values. (I am using a CLK for the fixed width pulse). You will see that a 470nF cap sees 1 pulse every 50us. You could have a 100uF cap, and a burst of pulses every 10ms, or a 0.2F supercap with pulses every 20seconds. (and sleep between)
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab