I'm trying to estimate the battery life of my device and just need a sanity check since numbers I'm getting are wildly different depending on the method I use to calculate battery life. For brevity I'm going to write first method that I've tried.
Device will spend 7 seconds in active mode, during which average current is 5mA. After that unit spends 600 seconds in sleep mode, where average current is 70uA.
So total period is 607 seconds, meaning ~0.012% of the time unit is drawing 5mA, while rest of the 99.988% it's drawing 70uA. So assuming this logic is sound (which might not be the case) my unit is drawing
(0.012*5 + 99.988*0.07)mA = ~7.06mA
On 1000mA battery with 0.7 factor (700mAh), that means my unit will run for ~99 hours?
Does this makes sense? Is there a better way to calculate/estimate battery life if your unit is not drawing constant current like in this case?