I'm trying to implement DMX with a Raspberry Pi after reading this page: https://www.element14.com/community/groups/open-source-hardware/blog/2017/08/24/dmx-explained-dmx512-and-rs-485-protocol-detail-for-lighting-applications
I'm using the "RS485 Pi" board.
I've plugged my oscilloscope probes on the UART TX pin of the Pi and get signal 1 (yellow), which lets me verify that timings are good. Next step is to convert to RS485, done by the board. Signal 2 & 3 are the "A & B" output. You can't see the "2" marker, it's under the "3". When UART outputs a 0, I get a nice difference between 2 & 3 (visible in red, which is 3 - 2). But when outputing a 1, I get 2 & 3 to be roughly at the same voltage, so no difference. That does not seem correct to me, I've probed a commercial DMX output and basically, a 1 is like a 0 with A&B signal swapped. Does the signal (2 & 3) below, especially when 1 is high seem correct to you?