I am trying to do an analysis similar to : Stability‐and performance‐robustness tradeoffs: MIMO mixed‐µ vs complex‐µ design
I have a MIMO system composed by a mass-spring damper system which has a plant with \$6\$ inputs and \$4\$ outputs.
In the system is present an unmodeled dynamics on the acutators, and it is modeled as a delay, and it adds to the system as a multiplicative uncertainty.
To add the unmodeled dynamics to the system, I am trying to do the following:
G = ss(A,[B1 B2],[C1;C2],[D11 D12;D21 D22]);
delta = ultidyn('delta',[2 2],'SampleStateDim',5,'Bound',1);
W_tau = ((2.1*s)/(s+40))*eye(2);
G = G*append(eye(2)+W_tau*delta,3)
where G is the plant of the system, and contains uncertain parameters.
If I do this, I get the following error:
Error using * (line 80)
Model I/O dimensions must agree.
To try to solve the problem I am try to look at this : Control of a Spring-Mass-Damper System Using Mixed-Mu Synthesis from the Matlab documentation.
I have also found that the problem does not exists if I consider a \$1x1\$ system, so if I do:
G = ss(A,[B1 B2],[C1;C2],[D11 D12;D21 D22]);
delta = ultidyn('delta',[1 1],'SampleStateDim',5,'Bound',1);
W_tau = ((2.1*s)/(s+40))
G = G*append(1+W_tau*delta)
everything works fine.
I have also tried to do:
G = G.*append(1+W_tau*delta)
but still does not work.
can somebody please help me solve this problem?