I want to calculate the input impedance when I am using a Darlington pair and I'm getting a little confused on the appropriate equation to use.
In Electronic Devices by Floyd he gives and example of a Darlington emitter-follower circuit and when he calculates the input impedance he has B^2*(re+Re) where Re is RE||RL and re is the ac emitter resistance.
I was watching a video by David Williams who is explaining the input impedance and goes through the derivation of a emitter follower Darlington pair (which made sense as he went through it) and goes up with the input impedance of B^2(2re+Re).
So my question is when trying to calculate the input impedance, am I supposed to be using 2re or re in the equation? Or if they are both valid is there a rule of thumb when to choose which. Image from the two sources are below