Few days ago my main monitor did not turned on. I opened it and discovered three capacitors, of 1000 uF/16 V each, in bad shape. Since all stores here in my town are closed due the quarentine, I'm trying to find these capacitors in old electronics not working that I've found here in my house.
I did not found the three capacitors with the original values that my monitor board require but I've found three capacitors of 1000 uF/10 V each, and visually they look fine. Can I use them? Which are the effects of switching from 16 V to 10 V capacitors with the same capacitance? I'll test them soon as my electronics tools that I bought arrive in my house (I'm a beginner with electronics and still studying the basics).
I've also have found capacitors of 470 uF/16 V, just in case this information be important.
Thank you very much!