I am designing a controller pcb for a wall climbing robot, which uses a ~150W suction brushless motor to stick to the walls and two smaller ~30W brushless motors to move around. The system consists of a high level Intel NUC (12V ~50W) and a low level ARM-M4 (3.3V). Everything is powered by a 6 cell 250 W*h drone lipo.
Would you insist on using an isolated DC-DC to power the digital logic? The non-isolated supply can save some money and space.
Some precautious that I took to save the precious digital logic:
- The Suction motor driver (electronic speed controller) is connected through a TPS1HA01 power switch with over-voltage over-current protection (what if the beast stalls at 150W).
- Each motor driver is connected through their own LC filter and a TVS diode.
After reading a similar post I am inclined toward the isolated choice. What do you think?