I worked out how to drive a ledmatrix (8x8) width monochrome leds with 2 SN74HC595N on a STM32F103C8 over SPI. It works. (Un) fortunately I got my hand on a free a bag of SN74LS595N's.
I tried to drive the leds with that, because I think that should be possible.
However, when I simply replace the SN74HC595N with the SN74LS595N, things "do not work". That is, no led will power on. However, in the datasheet, I cannot find any difference in pinout, but only in clock speed. I tried to lower that, but still no led startded.
Googling etc. is really hard, since google cannot distinguish SN74LS595N from SN74HC595N, and goes mostly for usable results for the SN74HC595N.
So my question is: what are the differences between the SN74HC595N and the SN74LS595N in respect of the STM32F103C8, and what are specific settings to keep in mind.