I have this circuit and I need to calculate the total complex impedance.
Note: the \$r\$ is internal resistance of the coil so how can we calculate the complex impedance?
The coil and the resistance \$R\$ are in parallel.
I have this circuit and I need to calculate the total complex impedance.
Note: the \$r\$ is internal resistance of the coil so how can we calculate the complex impedance?
The coil and the resistance \$R\$ are in parallel.
Well, the impendance of this circuit is given by:
Using the numbers, we get:
$$\underline{\text{Z}}_{\space\text{in}}=\frac{220\left(100+\text{j}\cdot2\pi\cdot50\cdot550\cdot10^{-3}\right)}{220+100+\text{j}\cdot2\pi\cdot50\cdot550\cdot10^{-3}}=$$ $$220-\frac{619520}{4096+121 \pi ^2}+\frac{106480 \pi \text{j}}{4096+121 \pi ^2}\approx102.893+63.233\text{j}\tag2$$