So I've been reading into filter design and came across how to determine the transfer function of a filter, when given it's poles and zeroes. I've come across the following question that has me a bit confused about how to determine the zeroes of a transfer function.
Suppose you have a third-order low-pass filter that has transmission zeroes at \$\omega=2,\infty\$, poles at \$-1,-0.9\pm1.1j\$ and a DC gain of unity. Going through the work, I get the following transfer function:
where \$K\$ is the gain factor (calculated using the fact that the DC gain is unity).
Here is my issue. The question states that there are multiple transmission zeros, but does not state how many zeros are at \$\omega=2\$. I assumed that the zero at \$\omega=2\$ was complex, leading to a conjugate pair \$(s+2j)(s-2j)\$ and hence how I got \$s^{2}+4\$ for the numerator. But is there someway to show that said zero is in fact a conjugate pair, and not real?
Suppose the question instead stated that there was "a transmission zero at \$\omega=2\$ ". Would the numerator of the transfer function then be equal to \$s-2\$, with a single real zero, since the zero must be real if there is only one of them (i.e. no conjugate pair)?
Seems to me at the moment that I am missing something obvious about this.