We are at the tail end of a development project that is currently based on the PIC12F683 microcontroller. Fairly simple project: a couple of A/D channels, a bit-banged DC-DC converter, an output firing stage that uses IGBTs. The prototypes are working well.
Now that we are about to deliver the final design, the client has made two requests.
Add another A/D channel.
Allow field programming of the A/D threshold values using Bluetooth connectivity.
The first request is easy - simply migrate the current code to the PIC16F688.
The second request is also fairly easy - we can get serial comms using the EUSART module in the '688. That would be fine if we wanted to use wired comms (either Serial or USB).
But the client has specifically requested Bluetooth. Moreover, I am certain the customer is also going to ask us to develop apps that run on Android and iOS. They haven't asked yet but I'm certain it will come.
I've been looking at the plethora of ready-made Bluetooth modules that are currently available as well as looking at migrating the entire project over to something like the ESP32.
I'm asking for advice and the easiest and most cost-effective way to proceed.
Something I should mention is that most of our products have extremely-long lifetimes. I need to be able to source the parts our products use for 20 or 30 years from now.
Microchip makes that easy - to my knowledge, they have not deprecated any of their mainstream microcontrollers. But I can't be certain that will be the case for 3rd-party Bluetooth modules.
Advice greatly appreciated