I'm doing a charger from a solar panel for a Cubesat project for my university.
I made the buck converter from a 20 V solar panel in order to charge the battery. This works well with Arduino, where I can limit the current to the battery.
My question is now how to connect the solar panel and the battery to my load. There are four different situations:
- If the battery isn't charged, the solar panel has to charge the battery and also power supply the load.
- If the battery isn't charged and the solar panel cant get solar radiation (eclipse zone) the system will go to sleep until the solar panel can generate energy.
- If the battery is charged and the solar panel is "ON", the solar panel will power supply the load.
- If the battery is charged and the solar panel is "OFF" (eclipse zone), the battery will power supply the load.
I thought about a relay system (or toggle switch, MOSFET, BJT...) for this issue, but my question is:
When the system is in No.1 situation, how many amps will go to the battery if I have several ohms (10-20) as load? More specifically, how can I limit the current towards the load so that I can charge the battery with the current value specified in the Arduino code. Using an adjustable LM317?
I'm using a 20 V solar panel with 1.5 A maximum, and also a 7.4 V 910 mAh LiPo battery 2S.
If you need more specifications, just tell me. Thanks in advance!