Previously I have created a simple radio receiver using the schematic below (based off a crystal radio), and I was wondering if the modified circuit which is also below would work for a simple morse-code like transmitter that the receiver could pick up and display on an LED.
This is the receiver I built before:
For clarification C1 is part of the LC oscillator, and C2 is just a small capacitor to reduce noise. I will be making some modifications like taking out the speaker and replacing it with a transistor that turns on an LED, as well as replacing variable capacitor C1 with a standard capacitor as the circuit will now only be receiving from the transmitter (with an identical oscillator), not radio stations.
And this is the proposed transmitter:
In this the LC circuit is the same as in the reciever.
I looked at tutorials for this sort of thing but they all seemed very complicated and all I need is a very simple one that doesn’t need to work super well. My intention for this was that when the button is pressed down on the transmitter the LED should light up on the receiver. Is this plausible?